Christmas holidays
Pühadel oleme avatud järgmiselt: 23. dets -25. dets SULETUD 26. detsembril – 30. detsember oleme AVATUD kell 10-17... Lue lisää
Pühadel oleme avatud järgmiselt: 23. dets -25. dets SULETUD 26. detsembril – 30. detsember oleme AVATUD kell 10-17... Lue lisää
On November 12 at 13:00, a concert by the Äksi choir will take place in the conference hall... Lue lisää
We are pleased to announce that the Ice Age Center will open Peeter Laurits’s exhibition “Something’s related to... Lue lisää
Ice Age Center offers nature education programs for all ages, from kindergarten to adults. Programs are mainly in... Lue lisää
Good grandson, bring your grandmother and grandfather to the Ice Age Center on September 10! The doors are... Lue lisää
10 Exhibitions to Discover in Estonia this Summer “Polar Wonder” in the Ice Age Center Until... Lue lisää
In the summer of 2023, the exhibition “Why polar bears don’t eat penguins…” was opened. Franz, the most... Lue lisää
On the evening of August 26, we are pleased to invite you to the release event of the... Lue lisää
Lissen ILMAPARANDAJA Gallery by Triin Lääts Article about the event Video by KUVAMAN
Jääaja Keskusel toimub seekord sünnipäevanädal! 16. juulil toimub Marten Kuningas ja Robert linna kontsert Jääaja Keskuses 22. juulil toimub Äksi... Lue lisää
On July 22, the Äksi [pre]opinion festival will be held at the Ice Age Center in Tartu County,... Lue lisää
16. July at 18 Marten Kuninga & Robert Linna contcert Tickets from fienta.ee until July 9 at the... Lue lisää
At 20th May the museum is open also on evening and ticket is 1€ Open as part of... Lue lisää
Ice Age Center invites you to hold a photohunt. Come to us and venture through the Ice Age... Lue lisää
The digital annual ticket for Estonian museums, or museum card, is starting! 100 museums, 1 museum card! What... Lue lisää
The Ice Age Centre is OPEN both on Good Friday and Easter Sunday from 10 am to 17.... Lue lisää
Jääaja Keskus saatis sügisel raadiosüsiniku ekspertiisi oma ühe eksponaadi- mammuti hamba. Siin videos näed kuidas seda analüüsi tehti. ... Lue lisää
A voice through 10,000 years: a sound journey and a blind tour through the Ice Age Center. On... Lue lisää
We are open Tue – Sun from 12 to 17 and we look forward to your visit. Our... Lue lisää
Jääaja Keskuses ehitatakse kasutatud rehvidest torni Kuule Võib olla tuleb paljudele üllatusena, et igal aastal maailmas toodetavatest autorehvidest... Lue lisää
The Ice Age Center and the Ice Bear Cafe are closed during the Christmas holidays December 23, Fri,... Lue lisää
A future-looking exhibition will be opened in the Ice Age Center, the focus of which is the use... Lue lisää
As its healthy to eat soup once a week, so in December we serve soup on Tuesdays. The... Lue lisää
Jääaja Keskus aastavahetusel 31. dets – 3. jaan SULETUD Jaanuarist oleme avatud K – P kell 10 –... Lue lisää