Paintings exhibition is open util 25th of September

The collective painting of the artists at the tenth birthday party of the Ice Age Center by Lake Saadjärvi turned into an exhibition in the center’s conference hall, and the exhibition ends this week. Most of the paintings have been sold or reserved. The exhibition can be seen until September 25th and this Sunday in the conference hall of the Ice Age Center.
Artists Jaanus Eensalu, Eero Ijavoinen, Rasmus Karja, Tuuli Puhvel, Jane Remm, Karin Strohm, Hando Tamm, Enn Tegova and Kristina Viin and several guests of the Ice Age Center participated in the joint painting and painting exhibition. A total of nearly 11 works have been exhibited. Almost all of them depict Saadjärvi and Äksi church, just like in the painting created by Konrad Mäe almost 100 years ago. The theme of the joint painting was “If Konrad Mägi were to paint in a hundred years from now”, i.e. what would the artist see here on the shores of Saadjärvi in the year 2122… The joint painting showed that everyone’s faith in the future is sustainable and that the church and the lake can hopefully be seen in this sci-fi century of the future.
Ice Age Centre is open from Tuesday to Sunday 10-17, and the painting exhibition is located in the center’s conference hall.