
10 – 17

Tue – Sun


+372 5911 3318
Äksi, Tartu County

Rändkivid Eestis

Õppeprogramm, kus tutvustatakse põhjalikult rändkivide tekkimist, liikumist ning Eestis paiknevaid rändkive.

Sihtrühm: 10.-12. klass
Kestus: 1,5 tundi
Koht: Jääaja Keskuse 1. korrus ja 2. korruse ekspositsioon, Jääaja Keskuse kivipark
Rühma suurus: kuni 25 õpilast

Programmis osalejatele tutvustatakse jääliustiku kasvamist, liikumist ning mõju aluspinnale.


Target group: 10-12. class

Duration: 1.5 hours
Place: Ice Age Center 1st floor and 2nd floor exposition, Ice Age Center stone park
Group size: Up to 25 students

The participants of the program will be introduced to the growth, movement and impact of the ice glacier on the underlying surface.

Tasks related to the theme during group work to complete the exposition on the 2nd floor of the Ice Age Center.
The formation of different migratory rocks (igneous rock, metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock), their origin and migration paths are explained to the participants. Connections are made between Estonian driftwood and the location of rock layers in Northern Europe. In the Stone Park and the Ice Age Center, you will get to know the different types of rocks found in Estonia. It is explained why there are so many different rock types in Estonia. The relationship between living nature and non-living nature is treated as a separate topic.

Õppeprogrammi kirjeldus pdf formaadis:

Rändkivid Eestis

ENG Rändkivid Eestis

RUS Rändkivid Eestis



Rändkivide tekkimine

ENG Rändkivide tekkimine

RUS Rändkivide tekkimine


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