Look into my Ice

European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024
Open Call for a public outdoor installation/mural at
the Ice Age Centre, Äksi/ Southern Estonia
Calling for projects of artists residing in Estonia, Norway, Austria and Germany.
Application deadline EXTENDED: 23. April 2023
Decision: 30 April 2023
Residency/Realisation: July – August 2023
Release event: End of August
We are pleased to announce an open call for an artist or artist group to create an outside piece
for the facade of the Ice Age Centre building in Äksi, Estonia. The unveiling of the wall piece will
be the first in a series of events such as exhibitions, performances, and workshops within the
project Look into my Ice organised by the MTÜ Eesti-Saksa Kunstikoostöö (Association for
Estonian-German cultural and art exchange) and curated by Maria Helen Känd between 2023 and
2024. Look into my Ice is a part of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 programme.
For more information click here!
About contsept of “Look into my Ice”
Look into my Ice heightens empathy for ice, which is one of the most powerful indicators of the devastating impact of the human-caused climate crisis. For decades, people have discussed and proven the importance of ice in this context. By doing so, the subject has become something we are used to, a normalcy within the disaster. As a result, this project makes a romantic statement in order to warm our feelings towards ice. It aims to raise emotions to understand climate processes better, as well as to encourage and attract a diverse audience through transdisciplinary exchanges between art and science. Look into my Ice event programme is carried out using environmentally friendly methods. We want to leave as little of an ecological footprint as possible when we build the outside installation. A key aspect of the project is the sustainable management of transportation, travel, and production materials.
How to apply:
Examples of previous work / Portfolio
• Sketch + description
• Statement about the intended work
• Budget regarding materials
• CV
Please hand in one pdf with all needed information or a shared cloud folder to: